Free positive birth affirmations to help with your Hypnobirthing practice.

Positive birth affirmations, positive self-talk, statements for a positive birth... 

Whatever you call them, these little beauties are designed to help programme your subconscious to tune into your natural ability to give birth, your strength and resilience. Building up your self confidence and releasing fear is an important part of Hypnobirthing. Remember, your job is to focus on the type of birth you want, your midwives are there to worry about the 'what-if's'.

Of course you can write out your own positive affirmations on post it notes and put them up, but the more engaging and interesting they are to look at, the more likely you are to notice them!

For that reason, I've had a happy time designing the colourful lot you see here. 

Feel free to print them to put up around your home. In doing so, you'll be creating a wonderful, safe, inspiring environment for you to enjoy your pregnancy in. And when it's time to give birth, each time you notice one of these affirmations, it will act as a trigger to help you relax, feel resourceful, welcome your surges - whatever it is you need in that moment. You can print off a second set to take to the labour ward or birth centre, or have them as a pack to hold and flick through.

These positive affirmations have been designed to catch your eye, but another way you can ensure this happens is by enlisting your partner to move them around the place every now and again during your pregnancy, just so they don't become part of the wallpaper!

Every time you look at them, take a moment to slow down, breathe and connect with your body and your baby. I hope you find them as useful as I did during my pregnancy and birth!

You can download these positive affirmations for FREE and print them by downloading this link.