Free hypnobirthing relaxations, tools and techniques to help with parenthood
With love from me, Zoe x
free relaxation track for motherhood
free excerpt from the New Baby Notebook - for life with a newborn
Free relaxation for motherhood
this relaxation is designed for all mothers.
No matter how busy life is, carve out 5 minutes to replenish and reset - bringing self care into those cracks in your day. I’ve made this with the intention of helping you bring in some kindness and compassion for yourself.
In particular, the focus is on creating more space, something many mothers have told me they would like more of, when they spend much of their time holding a baby or being climbed over by their kids. When it all gets too much, or you feel as though things are closing in on you, use this guided meditation to expand your breath and your perspective.
Daily practice will help to deepen the effects of the relaxation, and create a greater sense of calm and balance.
I hope you enjoy it. x
Free excerpt from the 'new baby notebook'
This is an excerpt from the note I have written to help with the early days of life with a newborn.
I wrote this after listening to what new mothers told me they wish they’d known before their baby was born, as well as capturing what I wish I’d known too!
The note is intended to be practical, with mothers I have taught adding any other tips they want to pass on. It really is a joint effort.. because as the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a baby!
Here's what one of my Hypnobirthing Place mums said about it:
"This is gold dust! So many things I wouldn't have even thought about, especially the remedies for helping with recovery after the birth and with breastfeeding. It's very reassuring to have it - thank you!!!"
When you do a private or group Hypnobirthing Place course, you'll be sent the full guide as part of your follow-up support. For now, click the pic to download!
Being kind to yourself and taking care of yourself is just as important as looking after your baby. This short relaxation is about bringing in some self-love to your day, with a focus on some gentle gratitude and nourishing time out.
It can be done at any time of day and is recommended as a super alternative to putting washing away or swiping on instagram.
It's lovely to do it in bed or sitting comfortably on a chair at home. But it IS portable too, and is particularly nice to do when you have a moment when you're out and about. Maybe on a park bench if your baby is asleep in its buggy, or in the 10 min queue at the post office. If you are pregnant and still commuting to work, try it on the bus or train.
See how good it feels to take some time out for yourself! Enjoy x