Laura's positive birth experience at Kings

Laura and Flynn

Laura’s birth - Leo, born at Kings

I wanted to thank you for all the support you gave me with hypnobirthing. I can't say I had a quick labor, but I can say that the techniques you gave me helped hugely especially in remaining calm and empowered, thereby contributing to an overall positive experience. 

I have always firmly been of the belief that every labor is unique and to be open minded towards it, so I found the thinking behind hypnobirthing ideal in keeping this mindset. 

My labor was four days long, starting early in the morning on a Tuesday. With my husband, Sam, we used the techniques that you gave us over the next few day  as I tried to get into established labor. They were fantastic in helping me stay level headed and remain positive.

On the Friday I was admitted into Kings College hospital, and we continued to use the techniques while partnering with the midwives. I opted for an epidural after gas and air, as I was exhausted, and I was able to make an informed decision which I think that was helped by having a relatively calm and positive  mind.

Not only did the tools that you gave us help us prepare for birth as a team, they helped me throughout labor, especially in keeping me present and aware so that I felt happy with the decisions that I chose.

When Flynn arrived, we welcomed him into the world with smiles.

Sam was able to  play a part during labor, and I personally look back on it as an empowering experience not only for me but for the three of us.

Your lovely advice on what to do post birth was just perfect, and I tried to do exactly that! We stocked up on snacks and I did my best to rest (although I didn't want to). You were entirely right, looking after yourself post birth is so important.

We adore Flynn, and cant imagine life without him. Our house is covered in clothes, we are drinking more coffee but we are a very happy little family. 
