Laura's calm first birth


A positive birth experience, free from fear

Zoe, I wanted to say a massive thank you as the hypnobirthing really helped me.

I felt my first surge at about 12.30am on Thursday morning. They were quite mild and coming every fifteen minutes  so I went downstairs and watched a rom-com and ate some toast...

As they gradually begun to increase in intensity I did my upward breathing and it helped me stay in a calm place.

By about 8am they were coming more regularly, and we got in a taxi to go to hospital at around 10am.

The surges were intense in the taxi, but I wore an eye mask and listened to our hypno music, and just focussed on my breathing.

When we got into hospital and I was examined, I was 10 cm dilated!

I was completely shocked and amazed, and we were taken to the midwifery led unit where I got in the birthing pool.

The pushing stage was very intense but not scary, and 45 mins later Baby Jerry was born!!! 

I truly think i wouldn’t have had such a positive experience had I not done hypnobirthing.

It made me feel in control of the process and not scared of my body, labour and birth.

And practicing it in the run up to the birth made me and James a lot calmer and more positive. 


Love Laura, James and Jerry 